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CFO Digest

The Digest is an online publication, published several times a week, containing news and announcements, reports from press releases and media updates related to Cardinals, updates from sponsors, information from the GA marketplace of interest to Cardinal owners and questions and answers sent in since the last digest. We'll also publish reports generated from aviation events.

The primary source of the Digest is from the CFO Community, where questions are asked and answered through and among our members. Questions emailed to the CFO digest input address will be posted in that community. The digest is then summarized from that discussion, capturing the key learning points and curating the content into more compact form. Many members who prefer an email once a week to spending time reading threads on a computer find the Digest to be the perfect solution.

The digest is sent out to over 3500 addresses several times a week. As of March 2013 our monthly circulation was 44,616.

Questions sent to the digest or entered in the Community will be answered by experienced owners and experts, usually quickly and always patiently. Both the principals of CFO and other members share their observations and comments.

Questions written to the digest email input will feed into the CFO Community, where our members can answer your questions directly. Even if you have a very unusual problem or question, its likely that someone in the Cardinal Community will have knowledge or information which will help!

The CFO Digest is open to all CFO members.

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