CFO Operations Training
Operations Training
About Guy Maher
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Guy's Sky Kids
Scheduled Clinics:
Statesville, NC November 10, 2012
Clinic Reports
Fall 2002
Flying Magazine Report! (2 meg)
Training Operations Clinic Report Aurora, OR (UAO) Saturday, June 28, 2003
To the Aurora class of 2003:
Well, the Aurora 2003 Cardinal Flight Operations Clinic is now in the history books. This one surely raised the bar. The "ink" was not even dry last summer on the announcement email for the November, 2002 inaugural clinic when I received an email from Terry Pickering strongly suggesting that Aurora would be a great place to have a clinic. He asked me what it would take and about two days after he received my long list of necessities (including student numbers, airport & FBO specs, hotels and food facilities, meeting space, etc.) for the clinic to be a success, his reply was "No problem."
Thanks Terry for doing the advance work and offering that fabulous Columbia Aviation Association facility for our class. I doubt that will be beat anytime soon. Terry also said that late June was a good time for good flying weather. But I was getting concerned as the day was drawing near for my trip out because the weather was quite poor. However, I stuffed some "Carolina Blue skies" in my travel kit and when the flight sessions began on Wednesday morning, it was clear throughout the entire duration of the clinic. It was also kinda neat using Mt. St. Helens as a turning reference while in the practice area.
The numbers are in and we had 30 in the class, and 24 Cardinals visited the ramp during the 4-day event. I flew 11 training periods for a total of 22 flight hours. I finally had my first opportunity to fly a VG equipped Cardinal, Jim Schwarz's beautiful '77 FG. And Dick Markee gave me my first opportunity to fly a Horton STOL kit equipped '68, which really changes the way that the airplane behaves.
One fact that Terry Pickering kind of schmoozed over was how busy the Aurora Airport really gets. I believed that we'd pretty much have the run of the place. Hah! The only time the airport was quiet was when I was either walking out to a plane or walking back into the FBO lobby. If I was out with a student in a Cardinal, the airport went into "zoo" mode.
On day one, Terry and I went to a near by strip that had both grass and pavement for our work. Then Ron Magnus and I went to the same field. Then Paul Millner and I got there and started working it pretty hard. Finally, someone there must have gotten tired of all these Cardinals falling out of the sky and arriving from every possible direction and in some unusual attitudes, that he came on Unicom and admonished us to "fly a square pattern here". We left and went back to Aurora and managed to fit in two more emergency approaches to complete our session. Square patterns just don't fit 80% of my airport training. Paul and I pushed the envelope to as far as I was willing to go and he commented to me afterwards that now a few concerned CFO members could relax in that we didn't kill ourselves while out playing.
For the following two days, near-by McMinnville Airport served me and my students well and no maneuver went untouched. When I finished flying with Wayne Grau on Friday, I went out next with Jim Schwarz. Well, what did Jim and I see in "OUR" practice area for his lesson? Another Cardinal out there with us, bending and dropping….it was Wayne back out getting in some more practice. Boy, the nerve of that guy!
Having a class where we could look out at all the airplanes was nice. Our lunch-break was "eat fast and spend the rest of the hour looking at Cardinals". The Friday night before the clinic saw 10 of us at Chilis for dinner and Cardinal convo, and 14 of us made it to Wankers on Saturday night after the clinic for more food (the Prime Rib special was awesome), libations, and conversations.
I thank-you all for your attendance, attention, and most of all, for taking such a strong interest in not only keeping your Cardinals in fine shape, but your flying skills as well. With this kind of response and the great feedback that's already coming in, the decision that CFO and I made awhile back to get serious about offering comprehensive type-specific training is certainly confirmed as a good one.
Speaking of which, to the rest of the CFO group in general, my attentions now turn 100% to the next (and final for 2003) Cardinal Flight Operations Clinic, which will be held in Dayton, Ohio on September 20. There are still plenty of seats available, although only 2 flight slots remain open. The link at the bottom of the digest can get you to the proper registration page.
Thanks again.
Guy Maher
'74 RG N912GM
Comments from the class:
It was just the excitement of spending all that cool training time with Guy that got me heated up, I'm sure! :-) The spiral to land procedure was cool, and I'd never flown my RG in ground effect like that before either. The balked takeoff was also cool, deploying all the flaps in the mini-glide. A very interesting time with the plane, including the riding the stall period!
Paul Millner
Guy Maher's Cardinal Operations Clinic at Aurora, Oregon (UAO) was great. The various emergency maneuvers we practiced -- and we practiced lots of them! -- were, I felt, always well within the bounds of reason for the airplane. Some of them stretched my experience with the airplane, but that is the point of such training. It doesn't mean that I am now a more reckless or dangerous pilot. The envelope of safe flying in a Cardinal is very large. I, as a safe but somewhat timid pilot, rarely stray from the well-trod familiar regions of that envelope. I welcomed the opportunity to explore some of the Cardinal's less-traveled regimes with an instructor who has investigated much more of safe Cardinal flying than I ever will.
Lee Boekelheide
N19763 '77 177B
The clinic was great. I learned a lot.
Michael Adler
1976 RG N33281
Bend, Oregon
Hi Guy,
I just had to say that I practiced an emergency descent and landing at my home airport(Independence, 7S5), and I *NAILED* it! These things always work better when nobody is watching. (Or at least when we think nobody is watching.) ;-D
After departing UAO, I set up the climb just as you taught me, leveled in cruise at 5000', also as taught, leaned to LOP to pre-cool the cyl's a little, then entered the spiral descent, got all the dirty laundry hanging in the breeze, kept my speed at 80-85mph, and dropped like a coke machine. Leveled out in the pattern, got the nose "down" like you kept harping on me to do (in the friendliest manner, of course ;-D), picked my aim spot, kept the
nose down, got lined up, kept my speed at 80-85, kicked the right rudder hard to lose that little extra bit of energy, leveled off, pulled the nose up, and touched down just past the numbers with an absolutely perfect squeaker. Never touched the throttle. :-)
I had
been announcing my intentional "emergency descent" to Independence Traffic all the way down, so the airplane waiting for departure in the run-up area apparently watched the whole thing. After I greased the landing, a female voice came on the radio and simply said, "Nice job." Made my day. :-)
Thanks again -- I learned a lot, and I *will* practice it!
Ken Scofield
Hi Guy ;
Thanks again for the great clinic - just made me really wish I had gotten the flight training with you also!
David Newitt
Thanks again for conducting an outstanding clinic. The material was Great and I also enjoyed the opportunity to swap stories and solicit advice from the other Cardinal owners. I hope the next time I will have time to fly with you.
Thanks again,
Steve Lovell
The clinic was superb and I learned a tremendous amount. I was particularly
impressed by Guy's advice and additions to the owner/pilots manuals - all
the good info that SHOULD be in such a manual. A great experience.
Paul M. Gahlinger '75 RG 277TV
Your clinic was JUST what I needed. Not only did it solve my landing problems, but it gave me a lot of confidence about my abilities to survive an engine- out situation. I can put it down almost anywhere, I think. I am a lot less stressed while flying my bird, thanks to your efforts. Your humorous manner of teaching made the classroom hours whiz by.
Many thanx,
Dick Markee
When asked what they liked most about the clinic, these were some of the replies:
"Guy's Cardinal knowledge." From Del Krier
"Delivery and organization." From Lowell Dexter
"Great - very interesting." From Lyle Mooney
"Cardinal specific landing and emergency procedures." From Peter Miles
"I liked it all." From John Bouyea
"Good info, light hearted attitude." From Royson Parsons
"Good nuts and bolts data. I'd like to take it again." Gary Brannon
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