CFO Preflight Walkaround page
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We all want to be safe when we fly. But how can you know all the little
clues that might be a sign of a problem? How does one gain the experience
to see those hints of problems to come?
Yes, Cessna provides a fine manual and checklist for doing the walkaround
on your Cardinal. We advise you use it! But there are a few particular things
that you might want to check out that are not mentioned in that manual.
But there is more to know than that book provides: experience with Cardinals.
And the member of the Cardinal Flyers have that experience.
This page is a collection of experiences and knowledge gained by Cardinal
Flyers around the world and across many years. It will offer clues and explainations
for those little hints that could turn into a problem in the air.
So read on and enjoy! If nothing else, you should be a big hit at the next
Cardinal fly-in as you try out your skills on everyone elses airplane. But
be forewarned.. everyone else will be looking at your airplane too!
Regardless of any suggestions or information
that might be exchanged herein, Federal Aviation Regulations, the aircraft
operating manual and various publications and communications from the FAA and aircraft and
component manufacturers remain the ultimate authority.
Please help us build this page! We welcome experiences, comments and especially
problems found (hopefully with the solution!) Just drop a note to the Webmaster, Keith Peterson
Copyright Cardinal Flyers Online LLC 1997-2025
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