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CFO Community Communications

The CFO communication system is designed to enable discussion, provide searchable archives, communicate summaries and capture long term in depth documentation. There are several parts to this system.

The CFO Tech Library is a great place to start when you have a question. This is our library of accumulated knowledge, with complete and detailed information about important recurring projects and issues.

The Library is searchable and always evolving. Please help us to continue to build, update and improve this important compendium of knowledge.

The CFO digest archives contain the history of our discussions before the CFO Community was launched in 2019. With more than a million messages on file as of 2019, this information will continue to be a valuable resource for those more random questions.

The Community is the preferred starting place for new questions or other topics worthy of discussion. This will become source material for the CFO digest.

The Community is a place for those who prefer a more immersive and interactive engagement. Our goal is to make this a safe place for discussion, both in our tone and tolerance of the wide range of expertise of our members, and by keeping it inside the membership firewall where only members can visit.

Please make sure you review the Community guidelines, and feel free to peruse the Community Features and Instructions before participating.

The Digest is a summary of the questions and answers which will be delivered periodically through the existing email delivery mechanism. This summary is ideal for those who don't have time for the give and take of the community but wish to stay in touch with the highlights of what's going on.

How does all this work? Inputs to the CFO digest will be delivered to the community and added to the topics discussed there after editing by a moderator. As a result, both Digest and Community users are able to ask questions.

Moving Digest inputs into the Community requires human hands, so it may not always be immediate. Responses and answers in particular are tricky to get attached to the correct topic in the community. Your Moderators will appreciate your working within the Community when possible.

Thank you for your participation, and for helping make this transition beneficial for CFO and useful for Cardinal owners and operators everywhere.

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