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Password Policy

Password Policy

The Member's section is protected by passwords for a number of reasons:

  • Protection of email addresses. In today's connected world, the email address is unfortunately following one trend of the paper mail: Junk mail.

    Most junk mail, or spam, is sent to huge lists of email address that are prized not for being well targeted, but rather for simply being valid. And files like our digest archives and technical input pages offer prime fishing grounds for such people. This has been an area of concern for many of our members over time.

    The membership password keeps those programs from scanning our files, and protects our privacy. No member's email address will ever appear outside the membership firewall. This is the primary reason for password protection of the site.

  • Privacy Although we welcome anyone with an interest in the Cardinal, we may not want to have our words and actions judged by our neighbors, the Feds or the mechanic we don't really like down the street. Do you want your name to pop up in a web search of 'aircraft AND Radio Shack'? :-)

    Although this is not a big concern on the web as yet, it's just possible that we're ahead of our time!

  • Fairness. A lot of people contribute time and effort to our various projects, all oriented at keeping the Cessna® Cardinal in the air, preferably with you in them doing fun things! Although our actions benefit the fleet as a whole, it seems only fair that those who get the most benefit also help foot the bill.

We hope you agree, and we welcome you to join us in our site, digest and activities. If you have questions or comments, please please drop a note to the Webmaster, Keith Peterson

Copyright Cardinal Flyers Online LLC 1997-2025