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Camarillo CFO Flyin

Thanks to Steve and Barbara Carstensen for a great time at Camarillo! Paul took the following photos and had comments to go with them:

CARS knew some of the T28 pilots on the airport, and worked it to get a tour of the operation. The CFOers got to sit in them, touch them and talk to the guys working on them. Interesting stuff!
There was also an opportunity to tour the Connie that was part of the same operation. Here a couple of Cardinal drivers check out the view. One of them is just about to yell "clear Prop."

It was a nice day for lunch out on the patio. Here are a few shots of the assembled masses, including CARS adminstering the quiz.

They lined up the Cardinals, all in a row, right in front of the 'no parking, cars or airplanes' signs.
The crew spend some time enjoying the shade and talking airplanes. The fellow in black, center of the right picture, is 'Boots', a familiar name to those on the digest. We always wondered what he looked like.. and sure enough, he's wearing boots!
There was a little more excitement in Heidi's pilot shop. Pat is showing off the shoulder Cardinals they've got (in happy and angry faces), one of the current crop of characters from Ty.
Paul Millner was surprised when they brought out a birthday cake for him. I'm not sure who knew it was his birthday, but someone did and snuck up on him with this one. A nice surprise!

Now a little more data from the flyin:

From: Stephen Carstensen (
Subject: Cardinal Trivia from Camarillo

These were the trivia questions and answers at CMA.

1.) States for which the Cardinal is the state bird? Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, N. Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and W. Virginia

2.) Where is the Cardinal (CRDNL) intersection? It is near Louisville, Kentucky

3.) Leigh gauges were commonly used in the ['75 and before] Cardinal. How many turns of fine gauge wire are there on the Leigh fuel gauge indicator's coil?


4.) A Cardinal 177B with long range tanks and the Constellation both carry the same *amount* of a certain liquid essential to normal flight. What is the amount and what is the liquid for each aircraft?

Amount: 61 gallons, 177B: Fuel, C-121: hydraulic fluid.

5.) Many aircraft have twin tails. Some notable examples are the Consolidated B-24 "Liberator", the Beach model 18 and the Ercoupe. Why did the Constellation end up with three vertical stabilizers?

The TWA hangars were too short for the originally proposed configuration so Howard Hughes requested the change.

6.) What is the total number of spark plugs installed on a Constellation?

Each of the 4 Curtiss-Wright 3350s has 2 rows of 9 cylinders. So 144.

7.) What was the primary trans-oceanic navigation instrument used aboard a Constellation (be as specific as you can)?

The Periscope Sextant

From: Duane Allen (
Subject: Many Thanks for Camarillo fly-in!

To Pat, Bill, Steve & Barb for a great fly-in at CMA (Camarillo, Calif). We had a great time and really enjoyed seeing everybody. Even some we didn't expect to see.

Barely got out VFR at 3:45 p.m. but had a good flight home. Bases at 1900 tops at 2200 and nothing beyond the ridge line. Didn't get much data for pre-PowerFlow installation. Will try again on the way to Santa Maria next weekend. Did get my GPS to work on the way back. I will replace the ant. connector this week. Thanks Pat and Steve & Barb. for carting us around while there. Really enjoyed dinner last night.

I have pictures if y'all would like them. Not nearly as many as I usually take though. Pictures of Paul's cake turned out good. I have sent them on to him. I saw Steve give the Connie people a check, then he dropped one in the donations jar at the Confederate AF after having bought the big cake for Paul. I'd vote that we all chip in and help reimburse him. We might have to twist his arm pretty tight. I know some think he is made of money after seeing his new interior. It is beautiful and Steve, I told you not to let Audrey see it.

Thanks for the entertainment, and the prizes. I used the stickon sunshield on the way home. Hope everyone else enjoyed the day as much as I did.

Thanks again. Duane

From: Paul Millner

Thanks again Steve and Barbara for the very unexpected birthday cake, with one strawberry for every TWO years that I've lived, a nice touch! Nice lunch crowd, lots of neat stuff to look at down there at Camarillo (and you non-Californians, that's pronounced kam-uh-REE-oh!) Pat, great to meet you too, and thanks for all the help! I feel for the hapless Cardinal pilot who might have been innocently taxiing to the restaurant, only to be vigorously waved by a dozen folks to park up against the "no aircraft parking here" signs! :-)

I'll have to return to CMA sometime soon to spend more tmie looking at neat stuff! Paul

From: "Ron Lisberg" (
Subject: CMA Fly-in

Thanks to Steve Carstensen and all for the work they put into organizing the CFO Fly-In at Camarillo this past weekend.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself meeting all the owners, and the sessions that congregated around the Cardinals were informative and fun.

It was great to see so many Cardinals in one place. There were lots of nice planes to see, and to many pilots to meet in a weekend.

I also had to escape in the afternoon, with the ceiling at 1900ft and 2500ft tops broken, but my flight was only 20 minutes.

I plan to for make more of the fly-ins in the future.

By the way, there was talk about this group meeting more often. Count me in!

There was also talk about a fly-out to the Pima Museum in Tucson in a few months, count me in on that one also.

Ron Lisberg 71RG N8044G

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