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Plymouth '99 CFO Gathering

We've had a couple of reports from the June '99 fly-in to Plymouth, MA. Sounds like they had a great time!

We had 20 planes at the fly-in, along with some great people, and an excellent breakfast. Many thanks to Rick Gronberg for all his efforts putting this together. It was nice to have faces to associate with some of the names on the mailing list. We're looking forward to seeing the photos on the web site.

Jonathan Spencer N52154 1977 RG

From: Richard Gronberg (
Subject: Plymouth Mass. Breakfast FLY-IN

Well the weather gods looked favorable on us Cardinal jockeys who attended the breakfast fly-in at Plymouth Ma. on the 5th. I had a total of "21" cardinals show up and "1" cardinal lover who showed up in a 172, he was trying to get leads on purchasing one of our wonderful birds. The head count was 32 people.

The Spot Landing contest was won by David Fletcher of Manchester N.H., he nailed the white flour line across runway 24. He was awarded 10 gals. of 100LL and the THINK...CARDINAL trophy, hope you enjoy it David. 2nd and 3rd were won by Al and Bette Knupp and Brian Corliss and his wife.

Plane Jane TEE shirts were given, GREAT JOB by all of you. The furthest distance traveled to the fly-in was won by Charles Pittman of 3NG in New Jersey, he also received 10gal 100LL, thanks for the extra effort Chuck.

The weather was beautiful, and the food was good, a better turnout I couldn't have asked for. All seemed to enjoy walking down the very impressive line of 21 cardinals and meeting each and swapping stories, this is what this is all about ISN'T IT.........

A special thanks to Tom Mahar, airport manager and to Ted Gronberg for their help with the spot landing contest. The Plymouth airport line crew also did their usual good job pumping that "CHEAP" fuel...thanks.

In closing I would just like to say it was a pleasure meeting all who came to the fly-in, and hope we can do it again real soon.

Best Regards.......Rick Gronberg.....N8YQ........

This was the original invitation to this fly-in:

From: Richard Gronberg (

Well the fly-in plans are going very well for the 5th of JUNE at Plymouth airport.

One more item has been added to the list, not only will gas be $.30 a gal off, the soft landing contest of ten gals. of fuel to the winner, ten gals of fuel to the longest distance traveled to get here, a few T-SHIRTS available for prizes, but South Shore Computer, located in the lobby of the admin building will discount the price on the New York sectionals, and the Class B terminal chart to $6.00 Don't forget the charts are new as of May 20.

Any questions please get in touch with me.

H: 508-746-7651 The gas price is for Cardinals only for that day.....Sorry.....Rick

From: Richard Gronberg (

Well, here we are almost in May, I thought I would try to get the NORTHEAST FLY-IN in order. It will take place on June 5, 1999 at the Plymouth Municipal Airport, in Plymouth, Mass. "Americas Home Town" (PYM) I would like this to be kind of a No-Frills event, basically so all us cardinal owners can get together and shoot the Bull. Here is a list of what I have already planned.

1. The fly-in would be on Saturday morning June 5,1999 Breakfast will be in the airport conference room, which is located next to the main admin. building. Breakfast will be a buffet style, and will be served from 9am-11am. Plane Jane's restaurant will put this meal on for $7.00 per/person, with seconds included. Menu below....

2. A spot landing contest will be available to everyone interested at your time of arrival. Just call UNICOM 123.00 when you are a few miles out, and let them know you are in the contest.

3. The manager of (PYM) Tom Maher has aggreed to give us CARDINAL fly-in folks $.30 a gallon discount on the 100LL fuel for the day, so come and get it. Just let the line guys know you are with the fly-in an would like the discount. They are a good crew......

4. 1st prize for the spot landing contest will be 10 gallons of fuel. 10 gallons of fuel will also be presented to the cardinal which comes from the furthest distance away. I also hope to have a couple of Tee shirts from Plane Janes restaurant for prizes.

MENU: Scrambled eggs, Bacon/Sausage, French Toast, Homefried potatoes, Toast, Juice, and COFFEE...............

The contest and the Breakfast are included in the $7.00 cost. I will need to have this money PAID IN ADVANCE, so as to set up and take care of the expenses this will incur.

Please E-MAIL me with your intent of coming, as soon as possible, and send me a check for $7.00 PER/PERSON for the breakfast by MAY 25, 1999. This is very important since I do not want to put my own money out, I am sure you all understand. I will need a final count by then.

So far when I put this out for an idear about 2 months ago I got about 25 a/c replies, this could be a lot of fun. We will also have a place to park together as I understand it.

Please send Checks to Richard Gronberg BY May 25, 1999
33 Lukes Waye Plymouth, Mass. 02360
Home phone# 1-508-746-7651

Paul if you could put this on the list a couple of times it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED...


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