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Sun & Fun Fly-In '99 CFO Gathering
The Cardinal Flyers got together twice at Sun 'n' Fun '99, and had a great
time. The first was as planned, with 20 people attending. We had so much fun,
and so much to talk about, that we decided to do it again the next day, same
time, same place. It worked out great.
A couple of people were within a few feet of the group but never
found it. I guess we need to be a little more raucous next time!
The original invitation is below if you're interested. Here are a few
shots of the group and individuals at the first gathering.
We pretty much filled up the whole table, and there were a few that came along
later. For instance, Alden Link was found wandering around as we were breaking up,
said he had not heard we were getting together. He confessed to being behind on
his email.
And the second day someone brought another Cardinal owner who they had
bumped into. Evidently they noticed a Cardinal on their shirt and invited
them to our lunch.
Jim and Sandy Honeycutt flew their RG to the show, N177BS. Jim says his N number
is just what you'd think.. at one point in his restoration of the airplane (he
bought it as a total) he decided it was just a lot of BS. It turned out very
nice, though, the nicest one I saw at Sun 'n Fun. You can judge for yourself
by this picture.

Jim and Sandy were still floating a few feet off the ground from their decision to purchase a pair of
Lightspeed ANR headphones. You'll have to let us know how they work out, Jim.
They are talking with Russ Boteilho from Tuscon. Russ flew across at
FL190 in his Turbo RG, enjoyed 200+ K groundspeeds, the highest was
208K. He commented at the humidity in Lafayette, LA, which was was
93% at dusk, and filled us in on his easy and enjoyable flight in.
His RG was tied-down on the flightline.

On the left is Palmer Gehring. This is pretty much Palmer's home turf, he lives
at a flying community next to the Winter Haven airport. We got to see the hangar
his beautiful FG sits in... a very substantial structure, built to be hurricane
proof. He drives a golf cart to the hangar... says several people have died walking
to their hangars but never driving a golf cart to their hangar, so he does it for
safety reasons. :-)
Next to Palmer is Frank Podgwaite. Frank had a great idea about getting
the CFO flyers together in other ways that we will talk about on the list.
To the right (striped shirt) is Roy Sobchuck, creator of most of the go-fast parts for our
Cardinals. He was telling stories of his new wing tip light cover, with which
he hoped to remove the last tiny burble of turbulance off his custom wing tips.
Roy also passed along some clues about future developments for Cardinal speed
and efficiency, but we can't give away all the secrets. You'll need to come to
the next gathering yourself!

Here Dean Cook and Sid Sangal share a story, evidently a funny one. Wish I'd
heard it. :-)
Dean had been drooling over the latest avionics (like all the rest
of us.) If memory serves it was Dean who ran into a Cardinal owner on the
field who had never heard of the Cardinal Flyers. He was very interested,
but challenged Dean with his toughest problem: "Where do I get a door handle?"
Of course we have the answer to that one!
As a new Cardinal owner, Sid shared some of the trials of his many
projects (from new engines to leaking brake line bulkhead fittings.) His
son was there as well, clutching a model of Dad's office: a Delta airliner.
I bumped into them several times during the week.. they were last seen
heading over to watch his overhaul shop (Mattituck) and their assembly /
dissassembly of an engine similar to ours.

Most of you recognize Paul Millner by now, holding forth here on some
subject of interest. Paul flew his RG out from the Bay Area and told of 220 knot
groundspeeds on his trip in. He was slightly delayed by a desire to have his
autopilot working and nearly accomplished it. At least he had Nav Intercept
working for the trip, he says he intercepted his way across the country.
Based on my knowledge of the weather around the time he flew home, I'd be
willing to bet that he didn't see winds like that for his return trip.

If memory serves, the well-labeled Cardinal flyer on the left is Robert Marrowski,
owner of 7694V. I think it was Robert who had flown down in the back seat of a
Sea Wind and was still impressed with the Light Speed headphones.
The middle person is Marc Weise's brother, somewhat famous for his
web-based plans for building your own mobile computer system.
On the right is Marc Weise, who I hope will send me a few pictures of his own
from the event. Nice to have more than one digital camara on the scene.

Here are Chuck Pittman and his son Greg. Chuck owns a '78 RG, N52871.

And finally, Don and Mary Commer, who were not aware of the CFO but were
invited by someone who recognized the Cardinal on their hats. They arrived in
fine style in N19103.
In all, everyone had a great time and all were interested in doing this
again. Thanks to everyone for coming! Keith
Here is the original invitation:
Headed to Sun & Fun in 1999? Check out these plans for a Cardinal get
From: Keith Peterson (
Subject: Sun & Fun
Cardinal Flyers,
A while back Roy Sobchuk suggested that we should get
together at Sun & Fun, and he and I have decided to put a
stake in the ground on a time and place.
First the time: Monday of the week of Sun & Fun at high
noon, that's 12:00 noon Florida time.
Then the place: there is a restaurant across the street
from the Flight Service building, or at least there used
to be. I think it was the 99's restaurant, a pretty good
place with burgers, steaks and BBQ.
I'll try to create some form of flag, sign or banner that
we can all look for and put the picture up on the web
site. Worst case look for a seedy looking bunch with big
smiles around one of the tables. Not sure that will
narrow it down much...
If things have changed so much that that restaurant is no
longer there, or is not obvious, then the place will the
lawn in front of the FSS building. I doubt they will have
moved THAT this year! There is/was a drinking fountain in
front of the building... we'll try to be within a few
steps of that fountain, hopefully in full Cardinal
regalia as a further clue.
What then? I have in mind to have lunch together, perhaps
build a map of where we are all parked on the field, and
if the spirit moves us we might make plans to have dinner
together sometime during the week.
Debbie is somewhat an expert on available resources at
Sun & Fun, so we'll see if we can cook up a compelling
activity once we see who we can get together.
Weather, schedules and Cardinal Karma permitting I'll see
you there!
Keith Peterson, Webmaster, CFO
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