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Lancaster, TX CFO Flyin

(please scroll down for the pictures)

The DFW-Area Cardinal Fly-In at Lancaster Airport has come and gone this past Saturday. At this time, I would like to declare the same a success based on attendance, weather, accommodations, and feedback from attendees. Late in the week prior to Saturday, the weather was looking somewhat iffy. Local forecasters were calling for everything from partly cloudy skies and cool temps to sleet. The weather on Saturday was cool and the breeze kept the wind-chill pretty low, but we enjoyed clear skies and dry conditions.

We began the morning with breakfast at the airport cafe. I was the first to arrive at just before 7:00am and Jim Henderson from Greenville and Ben Jones from Colleyville joined me soon thereafter. As the morning progressed, a steady stream of Cardinals taxied to parking and began to fill out the ramp. What a sight! Before the we ended the day, 17 Cardinals had arrived and 4 other types joined as well. Most people arrived for breakfast and pretty much filled the small cafe to capacity. It was clear that folks were having a grand time meeting one another, talking, and enjoying a very good breakfast. I tried to greet everyone personally, noted their attendance, get them a name tag installed, and handed out Certificates of Attendance. Neil Dhal of Arlington was very thoughtful to bring some digital air pressure gauges, compliments of his employer, and these were handed out as well.

lancaster17.jpg Once most had completed the morning meal, we began to congregate outside the cafe for a ramp tour. As a group, we trekked from one Cardinal to the next giving the owner(s) an opportunity to speak about themselves and their airplanes. We discussed a broad range issues and there were many learning opportunities. Maybe most of importance, folks got to know one another even better and I am confident some new friendships were being formed. This was certainly the case for yours truly.

With our ramp tour complete, we held a quick closing. Four small trophies were awarded to our Cardinal attendees: Longest distance traveled, Shortest distance traveled, Oldest Cardinal, and Newest Cardinal. I thanked those that attended and asked that those interested in trying something similar again, keep in touch with me and offer suggestions on dates, venues, and activities.

lancaster31.jpg With that, people began to disperse to their airplanes, the cafe, and other activities on the ramp. What had initially began as an impromptu attempt to get just a few of us together for breakfast one morning, turned into a real event with an attendance response that far exceeded my expectations.

So, maybe we'll try this again someday. It seems that this was the first Cardinal Fly-In in the DFC area as far as anyone could remember. The response and the feedback indicates that this one was certainly due and that folks would really like to have another. Whether it's me or not coordinating the next one, I look forward to it already.

Some of the details:
Ben Hodge
Joe Sasser
Charlie Corbin
Greg Bates
Frank Wright
Duane Allen
Bob Calkins
Rick Kozubek
George Hawkins
Jim Henderson
Russ MacDonald
Jim Kent
Don Moore
Terry Dunham
Neil Dahl
John Roberts
Ben Jones
Charlie Ross
Robin Maas
Ted Burgdorf
Dale Burgdorf
Robert Hacket
Sid & Karen Tucker
Bhrent & Janet Waddell

Award Winners:
Neil Dahl - Shortest Distance Flown (19nm, Arlington, Texas)
Bhrent Waddell - Longest Distance Flown (239nm, Collinsville, Oklahoma)
Ted Burgdorf - Oldest Cardinal 68' and Ted is the original owner having picked it up from the factory. Wow! Great stories!
Ben Jones - Newest Cardinal 77' FG

Thanks of appreciation:
Heather Hodge (my wife) for all of her help.
Duane Allen and Dale Lenhert for picture taking.
The folks at Lancaster Airport and Cafe for their wonderful hospitality.
Neil Dahl for the digital air pressure gauges.
To all of those that attended.

Best regards and safe flying,
Ben Hodge.

(Click on any picture to load a larger version)
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