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   Cardinal Flyers Texas Convention 2019

CFO Convention at TCB Composite / KIHOMAC

in Ogden Utah, 2019

The Cardinal Flyers flocked to Utah to enjoy the mountains, the airport and the area. Let's see how it went!


A pretty good group of Cardinals flew to the event.


And the veiw was outstanding, both at the airport and along the way there. Everone had stories to tell of their flight when they arrived. The weather wasn't an issue, so the stories were good ones.

Our event started with a visit to the Hill Air Force Museum, where we found an outstanding array of historic aircraft. a_utah19_022.jpg
We also had some experience among the CFO membership, leading to some very interesting conversations. a_utah19_023.jpg
The docents were outstanding, each with personal experiences to share. a_utah19_024.jpg
This is the second largest Air Force museum, after Dayton (which we have also visited) and it was laid out on a timeline basis. There were also many interesting aircraft a_utah19_031.jpg

Our next stop was the Shooting Star Saloon, operating at this site since 1879.

The history here was palpable, and the food was pretty good!


There is a lot going on inside, including dollar bills stapled to the ceiling and Buck, the largest measured St.Bernard in Guinness Book of World Records.

We filled the place up, along with the patio in back, and it seemed like everyone had a good time.


Our next stop was New World Distillery, where we learned a lot of details about the process of making spirits.

There were a number of experts on chemistry and distillation in our group, so once again the discussions were very interesting.


On the way back we stopped at a famous local ice cream manufacturer.

We learned that the Farr Better ice cream company was well named



Dinner was at the Hearth restaurant, where they specialize in unique oils and vinegars.

With the upstairs location and cozy surroundings it had a sort of "speakeasy" feel that fit well in Ogden's 24th street enterainment district.

Our host sponsor was TCB Composite, a subsidiary of KIHOMAC. d_kihomac_s.jpg

The tours were very interesting, and we got to try doing repairs on an A10 rudder as well as seeing their impressive manufacturing and production facilities.

We also saw how they make our spinners and backplates, along with a number of other products.

Unfortunately the facility was classified so no pictures were possible.


The picture above and to the right shows the KIHOMAC team who put all this together.

They also printed a Cardinal on their 3D printer, not a small project! This was given away as a door prize, won by Bill and Cindy Woods.

Friday evening we were invited to Doug Ahman's house for a barbeque. There was some rain, so we moved the party to the volleyball court in the family's shared back yard. e_utah19_025.jpg

Doug has an interesting hobby: axe throwing. In fact he built a purpose-built building in his back yard.

He trained several members in the basic steps and let us all have a toss.




Several members showed their skills and several cycled through on a 'winner stays' basis.

It was easier to do, harder to do well, and more fun than most of us expected!

Our airport day included a moment when a few motivated members posed with the Hartzell three blade prop, in hopes that CFO sponsor Hartzell might use their picture as a product example somewhere along the way. f_utah19_008.jpg

New sponsor Best Tugs brought a few examples of their products out for us to play with.

They worked extremely well, leading to more than one happy CFO member customer.


Our airport walk-around went well thanks to the official security supervision by the host FBO, CB Skyshare.

During this walkaround we found a cracked spinner, a nav antenna about to fall off and a loose nav light tell-tale. All good to find!


The event moved inside the hangar for a deeper look at both an FG and an RG.

As usual there was plenty to talk about

It was a great afternoon, with hot chili on a cool day and lots of good discussion. Also there were really good cookies... i_utah19_032.jpg

Dinner was at the Gray Cliff Lodge, an historic building part way up Ogden valley.


We had a good crowd for this dinner.

The food was excellent and the room just the right size for our group. w_utah19_010.jpg
We start with the Most Seasoned Pilot award, created especially to honor David Cheney for his over XX years as a pilot. His story was inspiring and we were honored to have him join us. w_utah19_012.jpg
The hard luck award was won by James Williams, who planned to fly their Cardinal to the show with a freshly upgraded panel but one thing led to another and they finally came without it. w_utah19_013.jpg
Best Cardinal of Show went to Karl and Melanie Thomas and their beautiful 1976 RG. w_utah19_014.jpg
James Chorvat II found his way from Brooksville, Florida to win the Flew Furthest award. As I recall he took the long way around, stopping on the west coast before dropping into Ogden on the way back. w_utah19_018.jpg
The Fledgling award was won by Sky Barca. w_utah19_019.jpg
The Most Cardinal Time award went to John Kent, with 4400 hours. w_utah19_020.jpg
The following people registered for this event:

Attendee NameRegistration NumberArriving fromComment
Keith & Debbie PetersonN177KP Hampshire, Illinois We are looking forward to this convention. TCB will be a great host and the location is beautiful 
Karl ThomasN177KM Mesquite, Texas A Cardinal Trip to the mountains - Fantastic !! 
Jim ConnN1375C Alexandria, Minnesota Ogden is exactly (2) 3.5 hour legs from MN flatlands. We’re all in with C177B N1375C. Nice venue! Thanks! 
Kevin McElweeN52663 Grass Valley, California  
Jon KentN700PJ Santa Barbara, California  
Dale BakkeN88NG Tripp, South Dakota Look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones! 
Brian EstesN8749Z Columbia, Illinois Looking forward to the mountain adventure 
Richard FryeN177JA Kennewick, Washington  
Paul MillnerN177SD Berkeley, California This will be great! :-) 
Russell K. MacDonaldN52636 Richmond Hill, Georgia Looking forward to the high country flying like I used to do each summer in Colorado 
Gary Dyer2768V Reno, Nevada This is my first convention. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. 
Peter ChagaresN2638V North Las Vegas, Nevada  
David CheneyN7594V Walla Walla, Washington  
Marcus WieseN34807 Shady Shores, Texas  
Andrew BinderN20151 Santa Barbara, California  
Gary SternN35115 Yuma, Arizona  
Mark AckermanN34045 Walden, Colorado  
Kenneth RobinsonN20192 Syracuse, Utah  
Gary DinkelN30861 Culver, Oregon  
William PovilaitisN30900 Landing, New Jersey We're planning an 18-day road trip to Utah and a day at the Golden Spike Nat. Hist. Site; since we don't do mountain flying. 
Casey RaymanN8084B Fort Worth, Texas  
Steve KayN8028G Kokomo, Indiana  
Sky BarcaN1959S Simi Valley, California  
Howard ChamberlainN201XP Alpine, Texas  
Howard ChamberlainN201XP Alpine, Texas  
James WilliamsN2763V Kirkwood, Missouri  
Bob SiebkenN2124Q Douglas, Wyoming Looking forward to meeting in Ogden 
Tal ClarkN34816 Hudson, Colorado  
David NewittN666RJ Oakland, California Please arrange for smooth air over Nevada - it is ALWAYS bouncy 
Melanie ThomasN177KM Mesquite, Texas  
Rogers FadenN177LF Northbrook, Illinois  
Rogers FadenN177LF Northbrook, Illinois Can't wait to see everyone. Looks to be a great time. 
S. James Chorvat IIN52060 Brooksville, Florida I’m coming happily; and I’ll donate my spar and anything else to look at - interior is still in progress (looking for a room mate to share cost - I’m solo ) 
Alvin JungN658SR Lawton, Oklahoma Looking forward to seeing our CFO friends and a little mountain flying! 
John AppelN1774D Cedar City, Utah Looking forward to the event. Haven't been to a CFO fly-in since Death Valley a few years ago. 
Don ImhoffN2131Q Baton Rouge, Louisiana Looking forward to a great event. 
B. B. StanfieldN612DM Bandera, Texas  
Andrew PawlishN7568V Fort Collins, Colorado  
Paul OrsiniN1548H Amity, Oregon  
Bill WoodsC-GEHN Eston, - Choose State/Province -  
Juergen Woerlein Glen Williams, Ontario  
Mike PattonN34166 Hayden, Idaho  


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