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CFO Members in Depth
Members In Depth

Larry Volz

Keith & Debbie's new panel

Vince Endter

Colin's Paint

Paul's RG

Paul's new Engine

   Members in Depth

Members in Depth

One of the most entertaining sports for a Cardinal owner is to browse through the details of another owner's Cardinal, check out all the little modifications, fixes and updates they have done.

At times it reminds you of what a nice airplane you have at home. Other times it gives you ideas for making your bird a little nicer.

As I've travelled around I have seen some nice airplanes, and at times had time to really dig in on them. I hope to do many more, but for starters here are a few pages, with stories and photos, for you to browse through.

Just select one of the aircraft from the toolbar along the left side of the browser and enjoy!

If you have a suggestion for an addition to this page, or additional information about anything here, please send an email to the Webmaster.

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