Cardinal modification index: Frame Menu File
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Modification Section
We do not live by repairs alone.. from time to time we need to take
the time to upgrade our aircraft, give it a new toy or enhancement, build
in some speed or comfort.
This is the right place to start that process.
Browse through the improvement categories by clicking on the tabs above, read what other
owners have done (in the Members In Depth pages) and ponder how that might work out on your aircraft. Print out a sample, hang it on your panel and watch the budget for the right moment.
Then return to this page for information on how to make it happen.
Like all pages on CFO, this one is in constant motion. It will also contain
a number of links to CFO sponsors: remember that all
sponsor's links are in green.
We consider our sponsors to be partners in the improvement of our Cardinals.
Many of them have made special investments in the Cardinal at our request or
at least with a little motivation from us. Their interests are commercial,
yes, but they have a choice whether to support the Cardinal and we hope you
honor the choice they have made to be part of CFO.
When you visit a CFO sponsor, let them know you found them here and help us
keep our relationship with them solid. It will all pay off in even more nice
things for our Cardinals. Thanks!
If you have suggestions for additions for this section, please drop a note to the Webmaster, Keith Peterson
The standard disclaimer applies:
These pages are a collection of the ideas and impressions of the
Cardinal pilots who frequent this site. This information is anecdotal
and informal, and may not be completely accurate. The Cardinal
Flyers are not certified mechanics and do not guarantee the accuracy
of the contents of these pages.
Regardless of any suggestions or information
that might be exchanged herein, Federal Aviation Regulations, the aircraft
operating manual and various transmittals from the FAA and aircraft and
component manufacturers remain the ultimate authority.
Copyright Cardinal Flyers Online LLC 1997-2025
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