Photo Gallery
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Pictures from a Pro
Some of just can't get enough of seeing Cardinals. Cardinals on
the ground, Cardinals in the air, Cardinals all taken apart..
So here's the ultimate in Cardinal viewing: pictures of Cardinals in a
picturesque setting, taken by a professional. The picture to the right
shows Boyne Mountain airport and resort, where this picture taking
project was undertaken.
Each image can be clicked to bring up a larger version of the same
picture in a new browser window.
These pictures were taken over northern Michigan (but not the UP)
in August of 1999. The photography was done by Mark Remaley of
Precision Aerial Photo.
This is an old page, the new system allows members to upload their own images and tell their story as part of their member profile. Check it out!
One of the more important elements of doing pictures like this
is the formation flying. One day I'll build a page about formation
flying, but for now let's just keep it simple: don't do it lightly!
Formation flying takes practice and skill, and needs to be approached
very carefully.
That said, I'll confess at the risk of blowing my own horn that I did
the flying for these pictures. It was one of the more challenging bits of
formation work that I've done, since we did a bunch of planes in a short
time and only had a single 4 mile stretch within which to form up and
get a series of photographs.
But it was a lot of fun, and bunch of people got pictures of their
aircraft that would have been difficult otherwise.
So without further ado, here are a bunch of great photos for you
to browse through. Enjoy!
Keith Peterson, CFO Webmaster
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