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Bay Area CFO Flyin

The Hollister Flying came off without a hitch, from what I hear there was a good turnout, with about 15 airplanes, and the pictures show it was a nice, if perhaps chilly, day.

Here are the first few pictures starting to trickle in, I'm hoping someone supplies a story to go with them!

From the left, here is Jim Barrilleaux airplane (from Lancaster, CA) with his hand on the prop of his airplane, a mystery person (Please sign in!), "the" Paul Millner, Peter Henry, then Harry Myler.

From right to left, here are Tom Neale, Tony Williams and David McConnell. We don't know the other two yet.. anyone care to volunteer?

Tom Neale wrote:
The roving band of maintenance inspectors was merciless in their critique of each plane. I trust that nobody had any hard feelings about the comments offered. I certainly saw a couple of new things. It was a great chance to learn. I forgot to inspect for new nose gear hoses, though....

Duane Allen comments:

From the left, are Connie Neale, Stephanie Mann, Steve Mann, Carol Bechtel from San Jose (SJC international) and her husband Dick Bechtel (who isn't really in the pictrue.. at least we get a good look at his hat!}

This picture is of Paul, Tony Williams, Leo Saunders, Harry Miler, and the two guys Duane didn't know. {readers? KP}

More data from Duane:

Tom Neale, then the lady was with David McConnell. I presume his wife. Next is David, the guy I don't know and then Tony G.

Plenty of sun, plenty of airplanes, no wonder these folks are smiling! This is David McConnel's wife (sorry not to have her name) and Dick Bechtel and his wife Carol.

This is Jim Barrilleaux's airplane taken by Duane Allen on a photo-op flight from the flyin.

Here was the invitation as posted on the CFO web page:

Subject: Bay Area Cardinal fly-in May 15

Have Ding-a-Ling Cafe at Hollister Airport setting up for 12 persons, 11AM 15 May. All Cardinal drivers who will attend please E-mail so I can increase available seats as necessary. Hope that's increase and not the opposite. Cafe has great breakfast and lunch menu. We will be able to check out each other's planes after eating. Before if early...Tony N177TG 1974 FG

Hope other Cardinal flyers will be there. May 15th is a Young Eagle Day at SQL ,could attend if after 1:30p.m. Maybe two dates could be a possibility? Tim 74'FG N34967

[I'm sure we'll still be around come 1:30PM Paul]

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